Segunda sessão virtual do: " VI Encontro Brasileiro sobre integridade em pesquisa, ciência e ética de publicação (IV BRISPE)"

As many of you know, due to COVID-19 pandemic, the VI BRISPE has been postponed to July 2021 - the final dates will be available soon.  From July to December 2020, a series of virtual meetings will be organized as warm-up activities.


The first virtual session was held on July 2 and promoted an outstanding discussion on the role of open science and research integrity to boost public trust in the research results on COVID-19 and inform government response. (

As a follow up to the discussion, the second virtual session will be on August 21, 3:30-5:30 pm Rio time – BRT (GMT-3), which will be held collaboratively with the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC). We would like to invite you to take part in this forthcoming session, (

The panel (

will explore open science, research integrity, and reliable research results in times of COVID-19 - what does peer review mean now?.


Please, save the date – August 21, 2020!! 

Sonia Vasconcelos (IBqM/UFRJ) & Carmen Penido (FIOCRUZ), Co-Chairs; Carla Bonan (PUCRS) & Edson Watanabe (COPPE/UFRJ), Program Committee Co-Chairs, on behalf of the Organizing Committee